
The Secret Call The Revelation to the Prophet ﷺ
The Revelation to the Prophet ﷺ

When the Prophet ﷺ reached the age of forty, the light of prophethood shone upon him. Allah the Exalted honored (...)

Harbingers of Prophethood The Prophet’s ﷺ Role in Placing the Black Stone
The Prophet’s ﷺ Role in Placing the Black Stone

The Kaaba: The First House of WorshipThe Kaaba is the first house built for the worship of Allah on Earth. (...)

Harbingers of Prophethood The Prophet’s ﷺ Nobility as Evidence for His Prophethood
The Prophet’s ﷺ Nobility as Evidence for His Prophethood

The Prophet ﷺ was naturally endowed with noble character from his very creation and original disposition, granted by divine favor (...)

Before the Message and Prophethood The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage to Khadijah
The Prophet’s ﷺ Marriage to Khadijah

Khadijah bint Khuwailid bin Asad bin Abdul Uzza bin Qusayy—may Allah be pleased with her—was the lady of all women (...)

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