The Prophet ﷺ as a Shepherd

Abu Talib had no wealth, so when the Prophet ﷺ returned from this journey, he began seeking a livelihood. During his youth, the Prophet ﷺ worked as a shepherd, tending sheep for some of the people of Mecca for a wage. This demonstrated a high example from a young age of earning a living through hard work and effort.

The Prophet’s ﷺ Statements About His Shepherding:

Al-Bukhari (2262) narrated from Abu Huraira—may Allah be pleased with him—that the Prophet ﷺ said: "No prophet was sent by Allah except that he tended sheep." His companions asked, "And you, O Messenger of Allah?" He replied: "Yes, I tended them for a few qirats for the people of Mecca." A qirat is a part of a dinar or dirham .

Al-Bukhari also narrated in Al-Adab Al-Mufrad (450) from Abadah bin Hazn—may Allah be pleased with him—who said: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Moses was sent while he was a shepherd, David was sent while he was a shepherd, and I was sent while I was tending sheep for my family in Ajyad." Ajyad is a mountain in Mecca.

Wisdom in the Prophets’ Shepherding of Sheep:

The wisdom behind the Prophets being inspired to tend sheep before their prophethood includes several points[1] :

• It trains them in the responsibilities they will bear for their people.

• Being with sheep teaches them patience and compassion; if they can endure the challenges of tending sheep—gathering them after they scatter, moving them from one pasture to another, protecting them from predators and thieves, and understanding their differing natures—they become accustomed to the patience required for their community, recognizing its various characteristics and levels of intellect. This experience prepares them to support the weak and provide care for their people.

• Sheep were specifically chosen because they are weaker than other animals and tend to scatter more than camels and cattle. Camels and cattle can often be controlled by tying them, while sheep require more careful management. Despite this, sheep are generally more obedient than other animals.

• Shepherding provides a material gain from manual labor, and the best earnings are those made through one’s own hands. Al-Bukhari (2072) narrated from Al-Miqdam bin Ma'di Karib Al-Kindi—may Allah be pleased with him—that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "No one has ever eaten food better than that which he has earned by his own hand. Indeed, the Prophet of Allah, David—peace be upon him—used to eat from the work of his hands."

• The Prophet’s ﷺ mention of this, knowing that he is the most honored of creation before Allah, reflects his great humility before his Lord and acknowledges the blessings He has granted him and his fellow Prophets, peace and blessings be upon him and all the Prophets.

[1] See Fath al-Bari by Ibn Hajar (4/441).

For Further Reading

  1. Al-Lu'lu' Al-Maknoun in the Biography of the Trusted Prophet (1/112).
  2. Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Ibn Sa'd (1/56).

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