The Virtuous Life of the Prophet ﷺ Before Prophethood

Allah Almighty crafted His Messenger ﷺ under His care, ensuring that his life before prophethood was virtuous and honorable, unmarred by any slip or flaw. The Prophet ﷺ grew up under Allah’s special protection, preserved from the impurities of the ignorance of the pre-Islamic era, as Allah intended for him dignity and a noble message. Thus, he became the most esteemed among his people in integrity, character, lineage, neighborliness, patience, truthfulness, trustworthiness, and distance from obscenities or behaviors that taint a man's honor, earning him the title "Al-Amin" (the Trustworthy).

Allah's Blessings Upon the Prophet ﷺ

Allah Almighty enumerates His blessings upon His servant and Messenger Muhammad ﷺ, saying:

"Did He not find you an orphan then shelter you?" (Surah Ad-Duha: 6).

This refers to the death of his father while the Prophet ﷺ was still in his mother’s womb. Afterwards, his mother, Amina bint Wahb, passed away when he was six years old. He was then under the guardianship of his grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib, until the latter's death when the Prophet ﷺ was eight years old. His uncle, Abu Talib, subsequently took care of him, continuing to protect, support, and defend him even though after Allah sent him as a Prophet at the age of forty.

Abu Talib, though adhering to his people's idol worship, consistently shielded the Prophet ﷺ from harm, by Allah’s decree and planning. However, Abu Talib passed away shortly before the Hijrah (migration). Later, the foolish and ignorant of Quraysh intensified their aggression against the Prophet ﷺ. Allah then decreed for him the migration to the city of the Ansar (the Aws and Khazraj tribes). Upon his arrival, they embraced him, supported him, defended him, and fought alongside him. May Allah be pleased with them all. All of this was by Allah’s preservation, care, and attention to His Messenger[1] ﷺ .

The Prophet ﷺ and His Aversion to Idolatry

The Prophet ﷺ was naturally averse to idols. He grew up with a pure creed, truthful faith, and deep reflection, never succumbing to the misguidance of ignorance. He was never known to prostrate to an idol, touch it for blessings, or consult soothsayers. He was taught to know that Idol worship and idolatrous practices were detestable.

Imam Ahmad, in his Musnad (17947), narrated from Urwah ibn Az-Zubayr with an authentic chain of narration: A neighbor of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that he heard the Prophet ﷺ say to Khadijah,

"By Allah, I will never worship Al-Lat, nor will I ever worship Al-‘Uzza."

Khadijah replied, "Abandon Al-Lat and, and abandon Al-‘Uzza."

When the Prophet ﷺ met the monk Bahira, the latter said to him,

"I ask you by Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzza to tell me what I ask you."

The Prophet ﷺ replied,

"Do not ask me by Al-Lat and Al-‘Uzza, for by Allah, I have never hated anything more than I hate them.[2] "

An-Nasa’i, in As-Sunan Al-Kubra (8132), narrated with a strong chain from Zayd ibn Harithah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said:

“There were two copper idols called Isaf and Na’ila that the polytheists used to touch during their circumambulation. The Prophet ﷺ circumambulated the Kaaba, and I accompanied him. When we passed by, I touched them. The Prophet ﷺ said, 'Do not touch them.'

I circumambulated again and thought to myself, ‘I will touch them to see what happens.’ I touched them, and the Prophet ﷺ said, 'Didn’t I forbid you?'

By the One who honored him and revealed the Book to him, the Prophet ﷺ never touched an idol until Allah honored him with Prophethood and revelation.”

[1] Tafsir Ibn Kathir (8/426).d

[2] The hadith of Bahira the monk is authentic: authenticated by Ibn Hajar in Al-Isabah, Al-Hakim, and Al-Albani.

For Further Reading

  1. Seerah Ibn Hisham (1/220)
  2. As-Sirah An-Nabawiyyah by Dr. Muhammad Abu Shahbah (1/235)

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